God At Work through Tragedies: Turn Your Mess Into A Greater Message

How is God at work in your life today? In your failures and trials, you can trust God is present, even through your tragedies of life. The key is learning how to lean into Him when you may feel you have failed. You know the old saying…If I knew then what I know now I sure would’ve done things differently, right? But that isn’t God at Work and I’m sure all have made that statement numerous times.

an image of my husband and I featured image for God At Work: Turn Your Mess Into A Greater Message for God

At times, however, it’s so incredibly hard to see God at work when in our minds we can’t get past the mistakes that we have made.

We have all done and said things, we so desperately wished we hadn’t and then we live with shame, remorse, guilt, and the list can go on and on. So How is God at work through tragedies?

Sadly, we become slaves to the bondage of our failures and we can’t seem to find a way to let them go, or more importantly, forgive ourselves. It has taken much time and prayer to get through some of the hardest and most challenging times in my life.

God’s grace and sovereignty sustained me through difficult seasons even when I doubted God’s goodness. I want to take you through 10 Powerful points on how God is working through tragedies.


God At Work Through Tragedies: Turn Your Mess Into A Greater Message

How Can You Turn Your Mess Into A Greater Message for Other People?

The worst mistake I’ve ever made in my life is turning my back on God! Oh, how making this statement pains my soul to admit. Unfortunately, it’s too many times to count I’m afraid.

Those who know me now must be thinking, YOU? No way! You see I allowed situations and circumstances to come between myself and my Savior for years.

Pay Attention to the Holy Spirit’s Conviction

One is where I lived for almost fifteen years in an abusive marriage. At the time my faith stated you should NOT be divorced. Period!

That being said, I become shattered to the point that I have no self-esteem whatsoever even to this day. After a while, you start believing all the lies and negativity bombarding you.

Don’t choose the easier path

At the time I put the blame on anything and anyone but myself. Sure my life in this timeframe I could have chosen NOT to let the issues get in the way. Out of fear I chose the easy road and gave up.

God is Working behind the scenes

God does not promise an easy life without heartache and pain but he does promise to be there throughout hard times. But I willingly walked away over and over. I want to share powerful points on how God is working behind the scenes.

Be Transparent No Matter How Hard: Suicide Attempt

One night, I did the unthinkable. Simply stated I did NOT want to live anymore. I found myself completely broken, depressed, and beaten down. The pain I endured became too much, and in my mind, I couldn’t take one more day.

The Help You Need To Fight Depression

Depression Thought Tracker Sheets

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Isolation from my family left me feeling I had no way out. I thought, Surely God must have decided he didn’t love me anymore, right?

God could fix this but he didn’t. I couldn’t see God at work. Did I deserve to be abused? So, I took a whole bottle of strong narcotics.

I don’t even remember where they came from. All I know is I found myself at the lowest point of rock bottom I ever felt in my life and wanted to crawl under the covers and not wake up.

Help for Suicide Prevention Hotline

Source: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services.

(Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.) Click below to learn more about 988.

Learn more

God Protects His Children

God doesn’t give up on HIS children and he had other plans for me. I know without a doubt if I had gone to bed I would not be here today. God saved me from myself.

Friends, talking about a wake-up call. Scary to think back now on how close I truly came to meeting God and not being ready to do so.

Heed the warnings

Let me tell you about a special baby boy. Tyler, my first Grandchild. He’s such a happy, healthy baby. My husband and I live five hours from my hometown in Kentucky where most of my family still lives.

We had gone to visit twice and we went for a third visit. We couldn’t get enough of our new little bundle of joy. I cannot put into words how this time the visit felt completely different. I knew something was wrong/off.

Saying our goodbyes as we always do saving my daughter and Tyler for last. When I went to pick Tyler up out of his stroller a somber feeling blasted me like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I started crying so hard I got my husband, daughter, and Tyler’s daddy all crying.

I couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to let Tyler go. At one point my daughter Becky said, “For goodness sake Mom, it’s not like you’re never going to see him again laughing at me for being so emotional. Reluctantly, we said our goodbyes.

As Mike and I were heading to our vehicle I said, “Something is wrong” I couldn’t understand it or explain exactly. Looking back on it now I truly believe it was God preparing us for what was coming.

Things Happen for a reason beyond our human comprehension

Needless to say, the ride back to NC was very quiet Mike and I knew something was wrong. Little did my daughter know at the time this was my last time seeing Tyler. Four days later our Precious Grandson passed away from SIDS.

Tyler was only 4 1/2 months old at this time. As previously stated, I know without a shadow of a doubt God prepared us beforehand for Tyler’s death. There’s no other explanation. My emotions were all over the place.

Recognizing Your Emotions

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Even so, I became so angry and mad at God! How can a loving God take my grandchild from me? I told him have I not suffered enough? God, I want nothing to do with you! Wrong to say, I know but I was hurting so much.

Long story short when you lose a child or grandchild time is what you need. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen overnight. Does the pain ever go away? I’m not gonna sugarcoat it…No, but you do have hope of seeing your loved ones again, in Heaven through Christ.

Over time the pain lessens somewhat and you learn to move on. Are there days when Tyler’s loss overwhelms me? Absolutely! However, I wouldn’t wish this kind of loss and grief on anyone.

God Can use you: Surrender to God

My Church does God at Work video testimonies and our Pastor asked one of our Worship Team Leaders to see if Mike and I would be willing to be featured in a God at Work segment.

This is a video testimony of your life before and after coming to Christ that they show during service. They told us to discuss the process and let them know our answer. That doesn’t sound so bad right?

Give all your worries to God

Our church is no small facility and they have two services. Our Friends and members of the church will know EVERYTHING about our life. After agreeing to do this doubts about doing so ran rapidly through my mind with questions such as…

  1. What will they think of me breaking my marriage vows?
  2. Will they look down on me because I attempted suicide?
  3. Will they think I won’t be a good enough Christian example to use because I turned my back on God again and again?
  4. If word gets back to my ex-husband, will I have to suffer the consequences and endless questioning?

Don’t Second Guess Yourself, Your Testimony Will Impact Others

I told Mike I’m not so sure I can do this. But in the end, we aren’t supposed to fear men and how they may perceive us. We are to be more concerned with pleasing God!

Fear Analysis Sheets

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You’ll never know how God will use you to impact the lives of others. I prayed and said dear God, show us you want Mike and me to do this because, in the end, I want to honor YOU and for YOU to be Glorified.

This isn’t about ME. This is about God at Work! Someone watching may see our video testimony and come to know YOU. Sweet Peace filled my heart, and I knew my husband and I did the right thing.

Be Real and Don’t Hold Back

How can you ever expect anyone to come to know Jesus if you are not willing to be open and honest about what God has brought us? Overcoming challenges in life will open doors you never thought would be positive.

People think they need to get their “act together” first before committing to God. People have this misguided concept that Christians are perfect, which won’t happen on this side of eternity!

30 Day Prayer Challenge to Pray Over Your Unsaved Loved Ones
30 Day Prayer Challenge to Pray Over Your Unsaved Loved Ones

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A Personal Relationship with Jesus Isn’t About Perfection

If you’re waiting for you to get “Perfect” you’re going to be waiting for a long time because it will NEVER happen. Jesus Christ alone is complete total perfection.

We are all carrying burdens and storms of life that aren’t ours to bear. Sweet Friend Jesus IS our refuge in the storms. Jesus bore ALL the wrath of God on the Cross for ALL of us!

As Christians, we are called to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and tell how he’s changed us from the inside out. We are all sinners saved through God’s Grace alone, through Faith alone, not by works.

Jesus gave His life, as a ransom for all so you and I would not face God’s wrath. He died a death he did not deserve but we do.

You and I don’t deserve God’s Grace and Mercy but he freely gives it to you because he loves you that much. Christians are NOT exempt from suffering this side of Heaven.

Why Does God Allow Suffering Bible Verses

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance. Romans 5:3

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance. 1 Peter 4:19

You are given one chance in one life and you need to live it in such a way that matters most. Tell others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ and how he will break every chain that holds you captive. There’s no better way to see God at work than to see chains breaking.

Has God Turned Your Mess Into a Greater Message?

Sweet Friends, we will all carry a lot of baggage. Here’s a video from Skit Guys about baggage and how to let it go! YOU HAVE GOTTA WATCH! You’ll thank me later.

May God Be Glorified In ALL Things

Fear Analysis Sheets

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If you can handle this southern country girl’s voice I am attaching the video my Church did and I hope it speaks to your heart. The video displays how God has worked in our lives and how we moved past our fears.

Watch How God Turned Our Mess Into A Greater Message

Your Turn

How is God at work in your life today? Remember through your failures and trials are how you grow a closer walk with Jesus. Has God rewritten your story? I’d LOVE to hear about it

Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!

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