Do you have times in your life when you’re left wondering if God sees or cares about what you’re going through? Who is your refuge in the storm? Do you turn to God when the waves of life are raging or do you tend to seek shelter in your strength instead of God’s? Learn who your refuge in the storm truly is!

an image of a woman walking on the beach as the ocean waves are stormy with text reading Who is Your Refuge in the Storm? 3 Important Questions to Consider

When we’re surrounded by the struggles of life, we truly realize that Jesus Christ IS our ONLY Refuge in the Storm.

He who dwells in the secret placeHighestost High, Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 


a large cross in a golden sunset background with text Who is Your Refuge in the Storm?

how can people see you choose Jesus as your refuge in the storm?

While during your storm, your actions will show who and what you put your faith in. That being said, however, it’s your human nature for God NOT to put you through them isn’t it, sweet friend?

When Jesus feels like he’s hundreds of miles away from you how do you respond? Friends, I want to share a bit of “My Storm” with you today. I hate to complain and sound negative about ANYTHING because it makes it seem as if I’m not trusting God.

I feel like “My Storm” is never-ending at times. When I’m asked how I am, this is my reply: “I’m OK” or I’m doing fine.” Is that necessarily true? Not Always but I say it just the same.

Living my life for Jesus Christ isn’t smooth sailing and I know we are not promised an easy life free from pain. That being said, many days it’s extremely hard and my faith is put to the test in ways I never could have imagined!

It can leave you questioning, God, why are everyone and everything coming against me? Where is my refuge in the storm? God speaks this truth to my weary heart and soul.

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. 1 Peter 4:12

BUT GOD…He Carries YOU through the Storms of Life

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Psalm 46:1-2

When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no moreBut the righteous has an everlasting foundation. Proverbs 10:25

Reality…It is NOT “IF” storms will come….but “WHEN”. I know for a fact when you’re sharing the hope found in God, with today’s world you’d best look!

Satan doesn’t want this at all because he wants to keep God’s people down and out and locked in bondage and disbelief. Lies of the Devil can trip you up if you aren’t carefully seeking truth in God’s word!

By NO means am I claiming to be anything special because I know I’m NOT! I’m just a broken sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ!

My sincere desire is to use my website as a source of encouragement to others, be that as it may, I know I fall short and fail God miserably but I give it the best I know how.

I want to be obedient to God and share how he’s changed me and let others all over the world he can change them too! God can be your refuge in the storm if you only cry out to Him!

I first started Resounding His Love Blog a little over a year ago I had NO IDEA that it would reach so many people. I received feedback from other countries, not just the United States about how a particular topic has helped someone.

Lives Are Changed

NOT by anything that Angie has done but by the power of the Holy Spirit! I write what God puts on my heart at a particular time and he alone knows what someone needs to hear.

I don’t have a degree and I’m more than certain if a scholar were reading my stories I would receive a BIG F for my grammar.

But you know what Friends I’m doing this Blog for the Glory of God…NOT man’s approval! God would give me a BIG E for the effort I think because It’s God’s name I’m lifting high, NOT my own.

Magnify God

Satan wants nothing MORE than to shut me up!! Yes, I said SATAN, NOT “THE ENEMY”. Nothing is wrong with calling him the enemy because HE IS, however, I just feel that he needs to be called by name!

I work full-time and I don’t get to spend as much time as I would like dedicated to writing on one hand and my heart wants to encourage others in Christ.

Be Real

However, lately, thoughts have been bombarding me! I feel like I’m neglecting my family with what time I spend doing my Blog. Health issues seem like they’re NEVER gonna subside and if it’s not one thing it’s two!

It’s exhausting! Can you relate? Let me Explain

My full-time job can be difficult. Not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. More often than not when I get home I’m one hundred percent drained.

All I want to do is crash due to the fact my legs will be thumping and I feel like if I take one more step I’m gonna fall flat on my face.

How Do You Seek Jesus as Your Refuge in the Storm?

1. Read God’s word In the storms of life.

I’m so exhausted by the time I get off work I don’t feel like doing anything else. All I want to do is take a scolding hot shower chill in my comfy recliner and NOT be bothered.

You know what I mean right? Relax!

Sadly, now, the last thing on my mind is coming up with encouragement writing prayers reading, and studying God’s word. My little pea-sized brain is fried!

Prayer Journal Pages
Prayer Journal Pages

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That’s why I usually try to focus on my devotionals studying and reading in the morning before I leave for work because if I don’t do it then I don’t do it all.

I end up making excuses for why I didn’t have time and it’s all but forgotten. Shame on me! You know what happens next right?

Satan lies and is a deceiver who will whisper…why don’t you just STOP! It’s NOT helping anyone anyway! Before long, {if I listen} will rob me of my rest found in God.

See, if Satan can convince me, that I’m too worn out I won’t be reaching out to those who may require encouragement and I also won’t be setting apart “Quiet Time” with just me and God…If I allow that Satan Wins!

2. Be a Beacon of Hope to others

Working in Oncology patients with cancer don’t always make it. It’s extremely difficult to watch them decline. I get completely attached to them and I can’t help it, I just do.

If I allow myself to dwell on the loss of a patient I forget why I’m there in the first place! I want to make a difference in their life.

Many have lost their battle. One, in particular, has affected me to the point I’m second-guessing if I’m where God wants me to be. Losing these precious people is like losing a family member that isn’t blood-related. It hurts that much!

Once again Friends if Satan can keep me focused on the loss {lately it has worked} I won’t see how much I help them. I get told ALL THE TIME how peaceful my Lab Bay is and how it’s a ministry in itself.

Patients say they can feel God’s Peace as soon as they walk through and Satan doesn’t want me sharing where they can look for Hope!

Here are a couple of photos to show you what I mean.

3. Share your real life stories to help people Go to the best source…God and His word

If you have read my personal story surrounding my health you already know that I have several autoimmune disorders. I try my best to NOT let them define who or what I am.

That being said they’ve been getting hard to deal with. I’ve been told by several specialists that I need plenty of rest and a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep nightly due to my immune system or else it intensifies my symptoms.

Do you think that happens Y’all? NOT! It takes me FOREVER to go to sleep then I toss and turn all night.

They’ve also told me I need to avoid any type of stress because it maximizes the symptoms. Do you think I follow through on this Friends? Big NO! Who can avoid stress? Satan must be doing a happy dance!

4. Pray

I feel like I carry and worry about everyone else’s problems, not just mine. It makes me feel as though I weigh the world on my shoulders. Pray your way through them.

I know I should be laying all these cares at the foot of the cross in Jesus’ capable hands. Once again my dear friends, if Satan can keep me focused on ALL these other issues I won’t be focusing on anything else. Anxiety can take over if I’m not careful.

5. where is your focus?

If my focus remains on the “issues” that I can do nothing about or change…Satan wins and I do NOT want to give Satan an inch or else he will take a mile and I believe it’s safe to assume YOU do NOT want that either. Satan loses when I take refuge in the storm in the one who loves me most.

6. choose Jesus as your anchor

You can choose to throw in the towel and surrender defeat or you can choose to believe that God IS ENOUGH and believe he WILL sustain you in EVERY area of your life. I choose to believe he WILL sustain YOU!

7. Who helps keep you inspired

I see God working in the lives of my patients with cancer. These amazing patients make it known that their refuge from the storm is Jesus. They say God’s Got This!

Have you gained an understanding of the Storms in Life?

I can’t think of a much bigger storm than what these patients go through. Not only this but they teach you the value of making memories with your family and friends.

Your Turn

What “Storms” are you going through right now? Can I remind you that even though the storms may be raging all around you can NOT allow them to stop you from doing ALL that God has called you to do? Keep moving forward in faith.

Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!

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