In today’s time, it’s so important to have resources for Christian women available. Why? This keeps you grounded in God’s word. As a Christian woman, you must be continually growing in your daily sanctification. In all honesty, however, finding faith-based gospel-centered material that matches biblically can be more than challenging at times. 

an image of a woman sitting in a floral chair writing notes in a tablet featured image for RHL Favorite Biblical Resources for Women

100 Resources For Christian Women

So, I have made this task much easier for you! I have compiled a list of resources for Christian women and Bible studies you need right now! These resources will both challenge and deepen your faith and relationship with Jesus Christ…for the better! 

You will find resources about Bible Studies, Bible Journaling, Christian Devotionals, Prayer Life, Spiritual Growth, Anxiety Help, Spiritual Warfare, and much more!


100+ Great Resources For Christian Women You Need Right Now

Resources For Christian Women

Our Resources for Christian Women will help you find the information you need quickly in all of these areas. This page will continue to grow so be sure to check back frequently for updated information.

So let’s get started going over our list of resources for Christian women so that you know the importance of walking with God daily.

100+ Great Resources For Christian Women You Need Right Now

Bible Resources For Christians

Recommended Bible Commentary

When I read and study the Bible someone in our Lifegroup suggested an App to go along that helps you understand what you’re reading. They have a read the Bible in a year plan that you can easily follow along with their commentary. It’s called The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble Podcast. I highly suggest it and you should give it a try. You’ll love it.

Websites for Christian women

Our Recommendations | Making Time For God

Wendy Wallace One Exceptional Life

Joyful Living Toolbox

Joyful Living Toolbox

Joyful Living Toolbox

Are you stuck in a woe-is-me rut because life has dealt you way too many challenges? What if you could view those challenges with a “bring it on” mindset?

  • Do you wish you could get your joy back in your life and find some peace?
  • Are you overwhelmed with the negativity that surrounds you everywhere you look?
  • Do you have struggles in your life that seem so big that you can’t focus on anything else?

Learn more of God’s Word to grow your faith & build a closer connection with the Lord through prayer (Resources and Printables to Grow Your Faith and Prayer Life)

Counting our blessings is one of life’s best-kept secrets to turning your focus over from negative to positive (Tips and Tools to Grow Your Gratitude)

Grow Your Gratitude
Grow Your Kindness
Grow your Faith and Prayer and Prayer Life

Grow your gratitude

  • 7 days of Gratitude Journaling Pages
  • 100+ Gratitude Prompts Blessings pages
  • 4 8″ x 10″ Inspirational wall art

Grow your kindness

  • 150+ Random Acts of Kindness 
  • 2 special Random Acts of Kindness pages with resource websites
  • 24 Compliment cards for your Random Acts of Kindness 

Grow faith & prayer life

  • The ACTS method of prayer with complete details & Prayer Journal pages
  • 30 Printable Scripture cards
  • 5 Scripture coloring pages

Serving others allows us to focus on others instead of our problems. Learn how you show Random Acts of Kindness.

The Joyful Living Toolbox has 70 printable Biblical study resources, prayer information, gratitude, and kindness ideas, and journaling pages to create a beautiful binder that will increase your faith and positivity.

First and foremost, what does affliction mean? This will give you a background and starting point behind Wendy’s Victory Over Affliction book.

Victory over affliction

What is the biblical definition of affliction?

An affliction makes you suffer, but you have to deal with it anyway. Individual affliction, especially sickness, poverty, the oppression of the weak by the strong and rich, perverted justice.

A great place is given in the Old Testament to affliction as a national experience, due to calamities, such as war, invasion, conquest by foreign peoples, and exile.

Victory Over Affliction

Positivity Mindset

Victory Over Affliction is 30 Mindset Challenges to Motivate You is an inspirational digital ebook, to help you through any challenge that you may be facing!  30 days of inspiration to boost your day when you’re feeling personal limitations.Positivity Mindset

  • Believe in yourself
  • Simplify overcoming challenges
  • You can get through ANY struggle?
  • Turn any situation into a positive life lesson
  • Get through each day with gratitude no matter what you’re going through

Trust me, when I read this book it changed my point of view on my personal autoimmune health issues and I know it will change yours too. Read Wendy’s story of overcoming challenges and you’ll be blessed.

faith over fear

Fear is something we all face at one time or another. That said, are you fearful about changes happening in your life? Even amid the global pandemic, there is hope amid chaos, sweet friend.

What if you don’t have to be afraid anymore?

Finding Peace In The Storms Of Life

Wendy’s resources and printables will equip you to grow your faith and prayer life (Digging deeper into your faith brings peace and comfort when those storms come)

Inside You’ll Get:

You’ll find tips and tools to grow your gratitude (counting your blessings is one of life’s best-kept secrets to turning your focus over from negative to positive)

Finally, you’ll learn how to show kindness to others (Serving others allows us to focus on others instead of our problems)

Praying Through The Storms Of Life

Is your faith strong enough to face the storms of life? God’s promises inspire the peace and joy that you truly desire!

Let’s check out the benefits of Wendy’s praying through the storms of life’s 30-day challenge, shall we?

Start your day with the promises of God’s Word tucked away in your heart. Be reminded that He is EXACTLY who you need when the storms of life come!

Inside You’ll Get:

The SIMPLEST method to STUDY Scripture and to APPLY God’s Word to your life (to give you the ability to rest in the Lord so that you can have the joy, peace, and encouragement you need, to follow God through any situation)

The BEST printable resources to LEARN and PRAY through the PROMISES OF GOD (to remind you that our LORD is VERY capable of handling your problems for you…if you let Him)

The TOOLS to help you build your FAITH even during the biggest storms of your life (to bring you from doubtful and scared to trusting, believing, and faithful)

Blessings Jar Kit

Are you seeking a fun way to grow your daily gratitude habits? What about making your own blessings jar kit? Wendy has made these great printable resources for sharing Thankfulness with your family!

Who couldn’t use this in their life, right?

Inside You’ll Get:

The BEST printable resources to create your very own Blessings Jar (Mason jar not included, but any container will do!)

The SIMPLEST way to teach your family the importance of developing a GRATITUDE HABIT (and how much fun you’ll have with the kids!)

The TOOLS to help you grow your GRATITUDE HABIT while everyone else is struggling with negativity (Tags and lids for personalization, Blessings Cards for every season, 60 Blessing prompts, and more)

Make one for your family & give them as gifts.

Cultivate A Grateful Heart Bundle

Learn everything you need to know to create your very own 30-day Gratitude Journal/Planner.

Inside You’ll Get:

The BEST printable resources to start and grow your GRATITUDE HABIT (with a beautiful 30-day journal & planner)

The TOOLS to help you build your POSITIVITY while everyone else is struggling with resentment and indignation (30 days of gratitude journaling & planner pages, idea prompts, gratitude cards & much more)

The SIMPLEST way to start COUNTING YOUR BLESSINGS and the importance of adding GRATITUDE into your life (Benefits of gratitude include better health, greater optimism, less self-centered, bounce back faster & a positive impact on your prayer life.


a woman reading the bible with text Bible Study for Christian Women
Bible Study for Christian Women

Sarah E Frazer


Sunshyne Gray Courses

How to Stop Feeling Anxious

Sunshyne Gray | Help For Anxiety

Christian Help For Anxiety

I’ve battled my anxious thoughts…In this workbook, I’m giving you the complete formula that can stop fear and anxiety. You will get relief from the anxious thoughts you want.

The workbook combines biblical teaching with cognitive therapy strategies to calm anxiety in 20 colorful worksheets {with video} to guide you through the steps of identifying and challenging anxious thoughts. Workbook & Video on Anxiety

In Sunshyne’s course, she teaches you to demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5


Sue Nelson Woman of Noble Character Bible Studies

Bible Studies & Journaling | Sue Nelson

God-Centered Marriage

Do you feel your marriage needs God at the center of it? Maybe you are experiencing difficult times in your relationship or maybe your marriage is great but you just want more of the Lord at the center! Whatever you want to achieve for your marriage, this course can help you have the God-centered marriage He intended!

Kneel Before The Throne

Exploring Ephesians with Verse Mapping & Bible Study

Do you want to engross yourself in the Word and grow in your walk with the Lord? Wrap yourself in the Word of the Highest and learn how to understand and apply scripture to your life with Kneel Before the Throne – Exploring Ephesians Through Verse Mapping & Bible Study.

Creative Way To Worship God

Are you looking for a more creative way to worship the Lord? Let’s take a walk through scripture with art and Bible journaling! Learn to make the Word come alive in new ways through your creativity as the Lord leads you!

Bible Journaling Printable Pack

Do you want to take your Bible journaling even further? Get this Bible Journaling Printable Pack from Woman of Noble Character, to help you grow in your journaling, or get started if you’re a beginner!

Uncovering Galatians

The study of the Book of Galatians is an amazing book that will refresh you and remind you of the sacrifice that Jesus made for you.

Law – Faith – Freedom – The Holy Spirit

War Binder For A Powerful Prayer Life

What if I told you that you…

Can create your own AMAZING War Binder with just a few supplies and this package in less than an hour?

Could customize your War Binder to exactly your needs and wants? (no off the shelf and have to live with it for you!)

Could have your own War room in a binder to cultivate a powerful prayer life?


a light blue background with a large light yellow circle in the center with text Printable Bible Study Journals Flourishing Today Shop
Are You Overwhelmed? These Printable Journals Will Help

Alisa Nicaud: Flourishing Today


women sitting around a table with their bibles opened hands up in prayer with text Love the Word Bible Study Binder
Bible Studies

Arabah Joy

Hopeline FREE e-books

About HopeLine: Resource…

Life is Messy. We. Get. It. And without support, many lose hope that things will ever get better. That’s where TheHopeLine® comes in. We want you to know that you are NOT alone. We’ve been there. And, we’ve talked to others who’ve been there.

Founded over 25 years ago by youth speaker and radio host, Dawson McAllister, we have heard the struggles people face and learned how to offer life-changing support.

Our mission is to reach, rescue, and restore those who are broken and hopeless. We encourage people amid their struggles by providing clear thinking and the right values.

Need Hope? They offer:

Practical wisdom and help through:

The Dawson McAllister Live radio show over the past 25 years has been heard on over 400 radio stations in the US and Canada, and now airs live online every Sunday night.

A nationwide network of partners that have been carefully selected to provide an ongoing community of care.

One-on-one live chat with a HopeCoach who cares deeply and is ready to talk to you.

A faith-based perspective.

Male Devotional Recommendations

Male Devotional Recommendations

Friends, these are our resources for Christian women in the areas of Christian Living, Bible Study, Bible Journaling, Prayer Life, and so much more along with ways to show community involvement and giving back.

Your Turn

I’ve given you many resources and I sincerely pray that they help you gain a closer walk with Jesus…our Lord and Savior. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. I highly encourage you to leave a comment and/or share it with your friends and family. I hope you find them useful in your spiritual growth!

Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!

Note: All information on this site is for educational purposes only. Resounding His Love does not provide medical advice. Please consult a physician if you suspect medical problems or need professional advice.

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