About RHL

About Angela and Resounding His Love.

Welcome, My Name Is Angela

I’m the founder and Christian author behind Resounding His Love Ministry. RHL exists to help others find hope amidst the trials and tribulations of life by equipping you with God’s word and faith filled content. Angela is a woman who loves to inspire, support, and encourage you in all that she does.

Christian Influencer – Christian Blogger

In 2017, I started a blog as a source of inspiration and encouragement for others. Up until that time I had been using my personal Facebook account to do so because all I saw was negativity, people bashing one another, profanity, and more. All I could think was what’s wrong with this picture? Do they not realize that children, teenagers, and young adults are seeing all this?

I have 4 grandchildren and all that came to my mind is I was heartbroken for their generation. What about their children and so on if the world lasts that long? I thought something needed to change because one, we live in a broken hurting world that needs Jesus and secondly, the internet is flooded with influencers that don’t have the best intentions and can lead them down a path of destruction.

So, I started my website, Resounding His Love, aside from my full-time job as an oncology phlebotomist. I used my full-time income to pay for all the expenses needed to keep my small ministry running. I had no idea how expensive it would be, but I refused to monetize my website at the time because it didn’t feel right.

Needless to say, long story short I kept this up for almost 5 years. I knew I couldn’t keep doing this because my health was declining. I prayed about it and decided to apply for Christian affiliate programs and ads. Now, I know this decision was a blessing in disguise. Why? In July 2024 I got approved for full disability. I don’t necessarily enjoy that label but it is what it is.

real life situations

Here’s What You Can Expect

My Mission is to share the love, salvation, and redemption offered in a relationship with Jesus and consistently point YOU to Him for hope and healing in all life circumstances. My commitment is to share the gospel and how Jesus transforms lives. Here you will gain spiritual growth, biblical knowledge, tips to improve your prayer life, learn to let go and let God, and renewed hope for the loss of loved ones.

Let go and let God

As Christians, we plant the seed, let go and let God do the rest. In our posts, we’re 100% honest and vulnerable and share some hard things but if “Our Stories” help someone through theirs it’s completely worth it.

Overcome Trials and Tribulations

First and foremost, I want you to understand there will be challenging times. Christians are not excluded. However, it’s when your faith is tested that will prove the genuineness of your faith. Christians aren’t promised an easy life this side of eternity, but God promises to be there with you through it all.

Secondly, there’s a huge difference between Religion and a Relationship with your Lord and Savior. None of us are perfect but the good news is you don’t have to be. Why? God sent His only begotten Son to take your place on the cross as a sacrifice for all mankind.

you can find us on:
Featured Top 50 Faith Blog
Showered In Grace
Bible Gateway Blogger Grid Member
Official Grace Girl
You Are The Light Of The World
Featured TOP 50 Christian Women Blog

Visit our Blog, posts, resources, and our FREE Library for printable worksheets, e-books, verse cards, challenges, and more to help you grow your faith in hard times. This page is password-protected. Simply put your name and email to gain access. I promise NEVER to make you feel “less than” preach to you, or force what I believe on you.

Social Media

Angela is active on many forms of social media, including Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. She has plans to start a YouTube channel soon.