Bible Study

If you’re looking to study the Bible start here! As Christians, the Gospel is the air we breathe. It is the epicenter of our understanding of Scripture on what does the bible say about a specific topic. Bible Study is crucial for your daily walk and sanctification with God. As Christians, we need to grow from spiritual milk to solid food in the faith. Here you’ll find encouragement to thrive in Christ as well as the importance of having biblically-based friendships that will keep us on our God-given paths. Lastly, you’ll find resources for Christians and helpful topics of the Bible broken down into what does the Bible say about…and more. Bible Study notes. Bible Study tips. Bible Study Methods. Bible Study journaling. Bible Study for Women. What Does the Bible Say About?

a bible opened to the book of Proverbs featured for Famous Proverbs From The Bible That Offer Timeless Wisdom

6 Famous Proverbs From The Bible That Offer Timeless Wisdom

Do you know you can draw considerable wisdom from famous Proverbs from the Bible? These succinct, insightful sayings offer guidance for a meaningful life, irrespective of your beliefs. They’re more than just words on a page, they’re life lessons wrapped in timeless wisdom. You’ll find them spread throughout the Bible, particularly in the book of…

Body Of Christ The Importance Of Unity And 44 Verses To Read Now

44 Bible Verses Showing the Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ

Here is a compilation of 21 bible verses about how vital unity is within the Body of Christ, something deeply cherished by Christians. These verses stress the need for believers to come together in harmony, love, and a common purpose, mirroring the unity within the divine Trinity.  They remind us that conflicts and divisions among…

a woman in a white shirt folded hands in prayer with her elbows on her opened bible.featured image for Perspective In Christianity 20 Best Verses For New Believers

Perspective In Christianity 20 Best Verses For New Believers

In Christianity, many Bible verses hold immense significance offering timeless wisdom and guidance that can you share with new believers in Christ. Be open to sharing your personal life as a Christian, so that you can help others. Here are 20 best Bible verses for new believers in Christ Jesus. I’m so excited to share…

Patience Is A Virtue Perfect Bible Verses About Patience

Patience Is A Virtue 18 Perfect Bible Verses About Patience

Have you heard that patience is a virtue? Do you consider yourself a patient person? If not, here are the 18 best verses about patience in the Bible. Life circumstances have forced me to let go of control and learn to be patient if I wanted to or not. The Holy Spirit can convict you when…

20+ Best Amazing Bible Verses About Courage To Be Strong

20+ Best Amazing Bible Verses About Courage To Be Strong

Life is full of challenges and you’ll need the courage to face them head-on, right? Wanna know the best part. In Christ, you don’t have to rely on your courage. God gives you the confidence and courage you need in His word. Here are Bible verses about the courage to give you the strength you…

Best Bible Verses About Envy V Jealousy You Need To Know

30 Best Bible Verses About Envy V Jealousy You Need To Know

As a woman, do the following things ever cross your mind? ”I wish I had…her look, her ability, or her talent?” It can be so hard not to fall into the comparison trap which can quickly escalate into envy v jealousy if you aren’t careful. Now, I know where these thoughts come from…the lies of…

an image of Jesus walking from a stone tomb through a bright golden light featured image for The Resurrection of Jesus: What Does This Actually Mean for You?

The Resurrection of Jesus: What Does This Actually Mean for You?

As Christians, the resurrection of Jesus is the hope you cling to, right? With this in mind, have YOU ever lost a loved one unexpectedly? You know how this feels. You are faced with shock, disbelief, anger, denial, and a sadness so deep you feel it to your core. Do you know the Resurrection of…