
Walking by faith for Christian living is believing God’s promises, trusting in his faithfulness, and relying on God’s character and faithfulness to act. The whole point of walking by faith and trusting in what can not see. Faith to trust God’s faithfulness even when we’re faithless in our daily walk.

an image of a woman wearing a white sweater with yellow gloves while she's grasping her face with her hands featured for God Given Opportunities Are Powerful Ways For A Heart Change

God Given Opportunities Are Powerful Ways For A Heart Change

Do you know God given opportunities are what you need to connect with God and those around you on a deeper personal level? Could you use a spiritual reset? Learn the ups and downs of God given opportunities that God puts in your path to grow you spiritually. When you receive God given opportunities to…

an image of a woman smiling with her arms over her head featured image for Unexpected Blessings from God

Unexpected Blessings From God Are The Best Proven Life Lessons

Have you received unexpected blessings from God? Do you trust God wholeheartedly? Unexpected Blessings are life’s blessings. They are a way for God to remind you that He will NEVER call you to do something that he does NOT provide the way for you to accomplish it. Learn how God uses unexpected blessings to teach…

an image of a man on his knees with arms raised high with sunset in the background featured image for God Answers Prayers 3 Real Life Examples Of His Blessings

God Answers Prayers 3 Real Life Best Examples Of His Blessings

Do you know God answers prayers in expected ways at times? Here is what you need to know…God answers prayers in His way. Do you feel as if your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling? Have you ever prayed for God to use you in a specific way? Here are 3 real-life examples of how God answers…

an image of a woman sitting on a church pew praying featured image for In Remembrance Of Me The Awe Inspiring Blessing of Communion

In Remembrance Of Me The Awe Inspiring Blessing of Communion

What does “In Remembrance of Me” mean to you? Have you ever wondered what it would have been like being one of Jesus’ twelve disciples? Can you picture and sense it? To wrap your human mind around that probably doesn’t come close to the actual reality, right? Talking about being in AWE! This post is…

How God Can Use You And Your Story In 3 Powerful Ways

How God Can Use You And Your Story In 3 Powerful Ways

Do you know God wants to use YOU to showcase how HE accomplishes HIS will through YOU just by sharing YOUR “real life” everyday struggles? As born-again followers of Jesus Christ, you are created for a purpose and that is to be a living testimony as a disciple of Jesus Christ! Are YOU ready to…

an image of a pencil and piece of paper with the word mistake being erased. featured image for Helpful Fixer Personality? 5 Important Things To Consider

Helpful Fixer Personality? 5 Important Things To Consider

Do you have a fixer personality where you want to help everyone but feel helpless when you can’t? Do you want to solve all the problems of the world? Do you want to help everyone that crosses your path? Having a fixer personality isn’t always a good thing though. Do you question “I can’t fix…

an image of two women standing beside one another with both index fingers pointing upward with text reading Are You Making a Difference in Someone's Life?

9 Big Ways Of Making A Difference In Someone’s Life

Think about all the people you know who are making a difference in someone’s life. What do they have in common? One person can make a difference today, just one. Maybe you are the one who’s changing the lives of those around you that you’re unaware of. This brings about an even bigger question to…

an image of a man sitting on a park park bench holding his bible featured image for Sharing Your Testimony 8 Easy Ways To Share Your Faith

Sharing Your Testimony 8 Easy Ways To Share Your Faith

What is a Christian testimony? A testimony is sharing what your life was like before accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior and how He changed your life for the better. Sharing your story is one of the best ways to witness to others. Why? More often than not our testimony will be something someone…

an image of man and woman holding onto one another sitting on a couch title reading Forgive Like Jesus: The Power of Forgiveness

Forgive Like Jesus 1 Truthful Way Forgiveness Makes You Free

Can you learn to forgive like Jesus? All of us have had times in our lives when we had to forgive someone, but the question is can we follow His example? The power of forgiveness that Jesus showed as he hung on the cross in agony states the following… Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they…