an image of a small group doing a bible study together featured image

Do you have Christian accountability in your walk with Jesus? Bible studies for women are well-known but have you heard about a life group or small group? As born-again followers of Jesus Christ, it’s vital to surround yourself with other believers. Why? You need to be around people who all have the same goal to help hold you accountable for your Christian sanctification.


a multi group of men and women doing a bible study with text Life Group: 6 Important Benefits You Need to Know

What is the Purpose of Life Group?

The heartbeat of my Church is centered on being in a Life group. The main purpose of the life group is fellowship, Bible study, and Christian Accountability. It’s meant to encourage and strengthen one another and is the main source of discipleship that cares for each person who attends.

Life groups are the best place to connect and fellowship with other believers. At Harvest, Lifegroups are designed for you to develop deeper relationships with others who can encourage and challenge you to consistently apply the truths of God’s Word to each area of your life.

Each Lifegroup meets three to four times each month and is led by a trained Lifegroup Leader. Group meetings are normally two hours and include time for Bible discussion. Time is divided up in the following ways.

  • Pulpit Curriculum
  • Accountability Time
  • Prayer

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4 Important W’S To Follow

God wants every born-again follower to be continually growing spiritually. At my church, it’s done in the following four ways.

  1. Work
  2. Walk
  3. Work
  4. Worship

Mutual Ministry And Multiplication

Mutual Ministry means that each member of the group is looking for ways to minister to the other members of the group. All groups should also be prayerfully considering a way to extend the ministry of their Lifegroup, through Multiplication.

Multiplication means eventually forming two or more groups so that others who are not yet in the Life group can continue to find places to connect with a Life group.

What is The Reason to have a Life group?

If you have this misconceived idea that you won’t “fit in” do NOT believe that lie. It’s ALL about Christian accountability. I’m sure you have heard the phrase iron sharpens iron…We grow in Christ together.


  1. Married couples
  2. Singles
  3. Men
  4. Women
  5. Kids or no kids
  6. Under 20
  7. Over 40

No one is excluded from being able to participate in the Life group. No matter where you are in life you should consider finding a group that is suitable for you.

My husband and I have been in 3 different Life groups which is both a good thing and a sad thing. You grow so close to your fellow members and it’s extremely difficult to multiply into a different group.


Multiplying is growing and other people who need a group can slide right on in. If you have read my post called God at Work you already know the story about my husband and I hosting a Life group at our home.

Our last leader asked us if we’d be willing to host a group but at the time we had a 900 ft home that was too small and not accessible to those who had difficulty walking a steep incline.

To give you an idea my husband’s golf partner refused to park his vehicle in our driveway. He’d leave it parked a couple of miles away at a strip mall and my husband would pick him up.

Straight up truth! Can you imagine a grown man scared of a driveway? I’m serious! You can’t make that up. Lol


When the Holy Spirit convicts you to do His will God moves in a way only he can do.

My husband had been looking to buy a new truck. As he was looking through a site he heard that nudge from the Holy Spirit speak to him plain as day.

You don’t need a new truck…You need a new house! He was looking around questioning who was talking to me. Lol.

His face was priceless! Needless to say, everything fell into place rather quickly in the process of purchasing the home we are currently in now.

It’s not big and extravagant by any means but it works perfectly to host a Life group, therefore, making it possible for Christian accountability.


Women gather together and pray for one another during accountability time. It’s a beautiful thing to know when you’re you’re struggling, you can ALWAYS count on your circle.

We often send a group text throughout the week if a particular issue we’re facing needs extra prayer.


I will be the first to admit that when the men and women break up for the accountability time it was hard for me at first.

I mean telling someone you don’t know well about your struggles can be extremely difficult to do. Especially for one as timid quiet and shy as I am.

6 Crucial Benefits Of A Life Group

Being part of a Life Group is tremendously beneficial for followers of Jesus Christ. You get the best of two worlds. First and foremost is weekly church service but you also receive the opportunity to dive deeper into God’s word as you’re socializing and having a wonderful time.

Many people have a misconceived idea that the Christian life is a boring one and that’s so untrue. Let’s dive a little deeper into why you should consider being a part of a Lifegroup.

How to Be a Good Steward for Christ Guide

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1. You Are Seen

In all honesty, pastors and elders try to do their best to make sure every member feels noticed and valued, however, it’s really hard to do this if you’re part of a large church and quite honestly you can only fit so much in a short two hour time span.

A life group is a tighter close-knit second family of friends who will be able to tell if something seems “off” in your life. They’ll be there for you in a heartbeat when you need it the most for Christian accountability.

2. You Have The Opportunity To Host and lead

As you read in the beginning my husband started as a hosting house for Lifegroup. Now we’re the leaders and I believe we’re making an impact on the others in the group as they do us in return.

As I stated earlier multiplication is a good thing but it’s often hard too because you become so close to one another however, it’s never a goodbye.

3. Friends Become Family

Mike and I both have out-of-state families so it’s nice to have our own second family here in NC around us. Some members have no family at all and need people who are willing to let them become a part of theirs.

We open up in prayer, snacks, talk, and fellowship diving into God’s word. Being part of a Lifegroup gives you “family” support that you would receive from a blood relative family and there’s no price that can be put on that.

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4. Opportunity To Seek Answers And Ask Questions

Let’s be honest, the Bible is a mystery and no one knows the answers to questions about God but God himself. Our Pastors and Elders are trained and taught more often than not at a seminary school and guide their flock in the areas they’re learned.

However, in Lifegroup you have the opportunity to ask questions in a safe environment and search for the answers together and grow in your sanctification.

5. Receive Help When You’re Struggling

I love the fact of if I’m struggling in any area I can ask for guidance and prayer. When we seek wisdom from one of our members regarding a decision we’re unsure of how to proceed I truly believe our situations are handled in a better and God-honoring manner.

6. Attitudes Are Improved Tremendously

Let’s be real, when we have numerous people who pray for us and text us periodically throughout the day it’s hard to not notice the difference in how it changes your attitude.

When friends and members truly care about the challenges in your life it makes all the difference in the world as far as your attitude goes. When you are around positive friends in Lifegroup it will inevitably make you more positive and enjoyable to be around.

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts. Acts 2:46

Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:47

Your Turn

I’ve given you much to consider concerning where life group or another name may be a small group. Ask where you attend Church if they have a life group or small group that you can get plugged into. If your Church does not have this Christian accountability I highly suggest that you go to your Pastor and ask him to consider starting one. I can NOT stress enough how much closer I have personally grown in my walk with God.

Read more on how Brothers and Sisters in Christ can use Words of Hope with one another in areas you’re struggling in! Relationships that you build with other members of the group will be loving, lasting, and fulfilling. It will be the best decision you’ll ever make apart from excepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!

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