Do you know Satan lies to you in an attempt to keep you focused on what he says about you? The devil will use every lie he can muster up at His disposal to stop you from seeking a closer relationship with God and sharing your testimony of God’s grace in your life. Learn 5 lies he specializes in and how you can defeat them!

featured image for Satan Lies Crush 5 Lies Of The Devil And Gain Victory

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me; All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. Psalm 23:5-6

Without a shadow of a doubt, nothing will EVER separate you from that. God’s word declares this truth. One day soon you will sit at the feet of Jesus and be welcomed to come to the table and worship Him for all eternity.


a woman showing half of her face with her hand covering her ear with text 5 Lies of the Devil and How To Defeat Them Immediately. Satan Lies!

For I am persuaded, that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us, from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Do you know Satan Lies?

Satan does EVERYTHING in his power to try and convince you this scripture is far from true. However, you will find the truth in God’s word! Lies of the Devil must be crushed!

Satan is the Father of lies

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

What are 5 Lies of the Devil?

  1. You will never be enough
  2. Finding peace is impossible for you
  3. You’re unredeemable
  4. God has left you
  5. God requires perfection

So if you’re NOT going through some trial and tribulation, LOOK OUT it’s coming. Trust me on that! I also know that NOTHING comes before us that isn’t known and approved before God first.

God Uses Everything For Your Good And His Glory

You may have recently read my post called How to overcome anxiety attacks and give it to God. I discussed a situation that is taking place in my life right now.

The short version is that when someone shows signs of temper rising, this is a Red Flag to me! I have one word that comes to mindFLEE!

The RUN and FLEE reaction comes from an almost 15-year abusive marriage. Are you wondering if there’s help for abused women? Victory is found in Jesus alone. In situations such as this, you can not fight on your strength! Lean on Jesus to fight the battle and roadblocks within your mind.

1. You Are never enough

Satan knows where your weaknesses lie and what will stop you dead in your tracks…FEAR from someone’s temper gets out of control.

The lies of the devil surround me at this point. Another Temper showcased. What? Say it isn’t so! I thought I had dealt with the issues of my past about abuse and put them to rest! Unfortunately, Satan enjoys wreaking havoc in my mind and soul.

Lies Of The Devil Will Lead To Constant Battles In Your Mind

  1. Past vs Present!
  2. Unknown vs Known!
  3. Fear vs Peace!
  4. Doubt vs Assurance!
  5. Lies vs Truth!

2. There is no hope of finding peace

The worst part is the lies of the Devil leave the door wide open for Satan to have free rein in your heart and mind.

As hard as you may try to combat them they can sneak their way in Uninvited. Satan wants you to feel hopeless and convinces you that you’ll never receive peace over fear.

Rest assured that when you share the gospel of Jesus Christ or inspiration and encouragement with others, you WILL face opposition. That’s the Gospel Truth! Satan does NOT want that!

3. You Are Unredeemable

Satan will do EVERYTHING in his power to keep you from sharing the good news of the gospel. If he can keep you and me bound up in regrets, mistakes, mistakes, or whatever the case may be. He thinks he’s winning. 

Satan keeps you from doing what you’re called to do: sharing the gospel.

Beautiful Analogy About The Lies Of The Devil VS God’s Truth


Over the weekend my husband Mike and I took our grandson Gavin to see his first baseball game. Afterward, Sidewalk Prophets performed a post-game concert.

During the game, unwanted thoughts kept coming to my mind. I want to share a few.

What Are My Struggles With The Lies Of The Devil

  1. You have to get up early in the morning.
  2. Gavin will get bored staying so long.
  3. You know laundry needs to be done.
  4. You hate going to bed with a wet head.
  5. You’ve already seen them perform before.

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I didn’t understand at the time the anxiety filled my spirit but now I do! The lead singer David Frey asked the whole audience to close their eyes. He said I want you to envision an extra-long table. Do you see it?

Sidewalk Prophets Come To The Table Analogy

First Section Of The Table

In this first section who do you see? How do they make you feel? You don’t want to leave. You want to stay where it’s safe and secure. But I was hoping to keep moving forward.

Middle Section Of The Table

In this part of the table are your enemies those who despise and reject you. Who do you see? How do they make you feel? Not so good right? Do you want to linger in their presence? They make you uncomfortable and vulnerable, right? Let’s keep moving forward.

Last Section Of The Table

In this last part of the long table, there’s a lone figure. You haven’t seen them before because you’re too busy looking behind you. You noticed the closer you got to them their eyes had NEVER ONCE taken their gaze off you. Do you know who the lone figure at the end of the table was Friends? Jesus Christ!

Do You Understand The Come To The Table Analogy?

David Frey has NO IDEA of the peace he offered this night to my fearful heart and His obedience to God! He blessed me so much being a humble servant of God.

Again, God knew my situation and sent me the message He knew I so desperately needed that night.

After this particular concert, my husband and I were blessed to be able to go on the KLove Cruise and this awesome God-anointed band was one of the performers.

Sidewalk Prophets, my Husband & I
A Come to the Table Analogy – #sidewalkprophets

I so desperately wanted to go up to him and share my story of how much His Table Analogy helped bring me sweet peace on this night but I didn’t want to intrude on His vacation with his family.

They also have a meet and greet with the artists and bands. However, they move you through so quickly that I missed my opportunity.

If it’s God’s will, He will make it happen for David and the band of Sidewalk Prophets to read my story…You never know because God works in mysterious ways!

4. You will always be Alone

Lord, I believe but help my unbelief. I thought I was on my own! You are always watching me, never leaving my side…No Matter What! See Friends, Satan didn’t want me to hear the words of God’s servant David Frey.

5. There is a requirement to be Perfect

Lies of the Devil are the only language Satan speaks. He’s constantly whispering the lies that I mess up too much. God requires far more from me. I’m too imperfect for God to love me as I am.

If this is the case God wouldn’t have sent His son to take the punishment you deserve. Satan wants to keep you in the pit of darkness, despair, worry, and fear because he doesn’t want you to be victorious over the roadblocks he sets in front of you.

God’s Love Is Unconditional…

I also know without a doubt in my mind Satan would love NOTHING MORE to shut me up and NOT have me share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That will NOT happen! Get behind me, Satan! When God is for you who can stand against it!!

How Do You Defeat The Devil?

Satan cannot read your minds, but he can and will most certainly plant thoughts and seeds of doubt within your minds.

Lucifer enjoys nothing more than to replay over and over again your past mistakes and fears and use them against you because this is his biggest weapon.

1. Satan IS The Father Of Lies

In God’s word, Satan’s Referred To As The Following 6 things:

  1. Accuser
  2. Slanderer
  3. Father of Lies
  4. Murderer
  5. Deceiver
  6. Adversary

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

2. Confront Satan’s Lies with God’s Truth

In all honesty, your main defense to overcoming the fear of Satan’s attacks is reading the living breathing word of God as truth. You must be battle-ready when you are bombarded with lies from Satan.

With this in mind, remember Satan will try to tempt you, defeat you, and discourage you. But he’s a liar, and you must confront his lies with the truth of God’s Word. Hold fast to your shield of faith in God’s Word.

Even more, a sweet Sister in Christ has known I have been struggling with this issue and she has Faith and Peace that shine so brightly around her and it’s impossible to NOT see it when you’re around her.

Thank You, Arlene! She gave me some scriptures I want to share with you. Not only this but I have helpful ways to find healing from abuse.

Verses About Satan

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment, You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord. Isaiah 54:1

Your Next Step

I have no idea what your table looks like, but I know Jesus Christ is there for you too. He has nor will He ever take his gaze off of you! This is a promise you can cling to! May we ALL apply these truths in our hearts and lives today? The next time I encounter a situation such as this I need to refer back to my post on overcoming the spirit of fear, don’t I?

How Do You Defeat the Devil Extra Tip

I have recently gotten connected with a fellow Sister in Christ Sunshyne Gray. She’s got an amazing e-course called Taking Every Thought Captive is a great resource in a situation such as this. She uses biblical teaching along with her Degree. Go check it out! I am blessed beyond measure that I was able to defeat the Lies of the Devil that night You can defeat fear too.

Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!

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