Are you longing for a spiritual revival today, sweet friend? Have you ever heard anyone say that as a church we need a revival to turn our hearts back to God? Let’s look at where the church is going today and more importantly, why you need a spiritual revival now more than ever.

an image of people praising God surrounding a cross featured image for Why We Need a Spiritual Revival Today More than Ever
Why We Need A Spiritual Revival

If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


Why We NEED a Spiritual Revival in America

Why do we need a Spiritual Revival?

Do you know what you personally and this world need right now, DESPERATELY? We need a Spiritual Revival! God’s people need to get fired up for God!

There needs to be a thirst that can ONLY be quenched by the Holy Spirit of God. So much in the Bible is being full-filled, right before your eyes. You must wake up to this realization.

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Why is Spiritual Revival Essential in the Christian Faith?

Revival is the restoration of God’s presence in His people. In Exodus 33, God threatened to remove His presence from His people. Understanding that there is no true meaning and purpose apart from God’s presence.

God’s presence is essential. You need Him and you are never intended to live your lives without him! You were created to serve God and bring Him glory through your lives.

What does revival mean?

Revivalism is increased spiritual interest or renewal in the life of a church congregation or society, with a local, national, or global effect.

Think about the following question?

What is a Revival?

This should be distinguished from the use of the term “revival” to refer to an evangelistic meeting or series of meetings.

Spiritual Revival Checklists

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How does Spiritual revival happen?

Spiritual revival happens when God’s people are prepared. It happens when we are ready for it with tender hearts and humble spirits.

You can not orchestrate widespread far-reaching revivals, that’s God’s work. Revival often begins with people coming under deep conviction and crying out in confession and repentance for their sins.

What is the purpose of revival?

A spiritual revival is a series of Christian religious services held to inspire the church body to reach the lost, broken, and hurting people in the world.

People are desperately looking for hope and healing in their lives today!

Reasons Why You Need A Revival

Do you believe you are living in the last days on earth? The word “revival” is from the Hebrew word chayah and means “to bring back to life,” to “restore to consciousness,” or to “restore to a previous condition.

As stated in the Bible, it means a restoration, rejuvenation, or renewal of interest after spiritual neglect, oblivion, or obscurity. It is a heartfelt return to God and His commandments.


This next verse tells it like it is:

I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! Revelation 3:15

So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. Revelation 3:17

You need revival because Satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy. The lies of the devil want to keep you from being on fire for God. Satan will stop at nothing to keep you from sharing your passion with others.

Satan doesn’t want you to do anything, that will lift the name of Jesus Christ!

Do you fervently Pray for God to give you opportunities to speak the gospel message to those around you?

I know I am guilty of not praying for God to open opportunities. If you are like me you get too consumed with false assumptions of how they’ll react. You don’t want to face rejection so you keep your mouth shut and say someone else will do something.

What if this may be their last day on earth and they don’t get a chance to make themselves right before God? How would you feel then? Yep, me too!

You need revival because your sins consume your thoughts and actions. You have a deeper knowledge of this because the Holy Spirit convicts you of them. You may have been brushing them off before saying they aren’t that bad.

Why You Should Not Take Advantage of The Phrase “God Gives Me Grace!”

Yes, God extends grace to His children however this is NOT an excuse or reason to allow sin to be rampant in your life. If anything, it should encourage you to be SINless, right?

You may also minimize your sins by comparing yourself with those who may have done much worse things. Wanna know a secret?

Sin is Sin!

In the eyes of the Almighty God, there is NO sin any greater than another.

The spiritual revival I’m referring to can only be sent down from Heaven. God can pour out spiritual awakening in his people and stir up the hearts of His children.

Prayer Journal Pages
Prayer Journal Pages

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Rain Down Spiritual Revival Lord

Will you be ready? All God wants and needs from you is to be obedient. Do what he has commanded you to do. Only then will you be fruitful.

By this, my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. John 15:8

Spiritual revival is needed when you want to know God deeper in your spirit. You’ll have the hunger for God’s word more than ever before and will seek his knowledge and wisdom. The day is coming, and I feel it’s getting closer and closer!

Why No One Will Be Able To Stand Before Almighty God

So that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:10


You Need A Spiritual Revival When You:

  1. Watch TV and read secular books and magazines then read the Bible and Pray
  2. Church dinners are better attended than prayer meetings
  3. Concerts draw bigger crowds than prayer meetings
  4. Have little or no desire for Prayer
  5. Christianity is joyless and passionless
  6. Know the truth in your head but you are not practicing it in your lives
  7. Make little effort to witness the lost
  8. Have time for sports, recreation, and entertainment, but not for Bible study and Prayer
  9. Believers can be at odds with each other and not feel compelled to pursue reconciliation
  10. Marriages are co-existing rather than full of the love of Christ
  11. More concerned about our children’s education and their athletic activities than about the condition of their souls
  12. Sin in the church is pushed under the carpet
  13. Tolerate “little” sins of gossip, a critical spirit, and a lack of love. (Read my FULL post on the truth of Gossip titled Bible Verses about Gossip and the harm it does.
  14. Watch things on television and in movies that are not holy.
  15. Prayers are empty words designed to impress others.
  16. Ceased to weep and mourn and grieve over your sins and the sin of others.
  17. People have to be entertained to be drawn to the church.
  18. Start fitting into and adapting to the world rather than calling the world to adapt to God’s standards of holiness.

Spiritual Revival Checklists

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Spiritual Revival in the Bible

If you return to the Almighty, you will be built up, You will remove iniquity far from your tents. Job 22:23

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before. Acts 3:19-20

O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid, O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known, In wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2

Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:

Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Psalm 85:6

He has put a new song in my mouth, Praise to our God, Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:3

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6

O God, You are my God, Early will I seek You, My soul thirsts for You, My flesh longs for You, In a dry and thirsty land, Where there is no water. Psalm 63:1

He restores my soul, He leads me in the paths of righteousness, For His name’s sake. Psalm 23:3

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Your Turn

Are you longing for a spiritual revival in your heart? Do you understand why a spiritual revival is needed NOW…More than ever! It’s my hope this post answers “What is a Revival?” Time is running out. Jesus Christ is coming again and He’s coming soon. Pray and ask God to send spiritual revival among His people individually and as a Church body wherever you attend Church Service and Small Group setting.

Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!

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