Best Poems About Loss to Help Grieving Families

Best Poems About Loss to Help Grieving Families

What is a good way to help a grieving family cope with loss? Just as the Psalms of David comfort us in the Bible, here are our 4 best poems about loss to help grieving families written by Catherine Mogensen…Hope for Grief: Grief and Loss Collaboration Series.

What are 4 poems about loss To Help Grieving Families?


a heart split into 2 pieces with text Best Poems about Loss to Helping Grieving Families

Escaping the hard and pain is my wish. But life doesn’t work that way. Honestly, I’m not sure it’s best for us either.

If you are in a hard place right now, I will be the first one to say I get it. I know. I’ve been there. The hard is hard. The pain is oh, so painful. Sometimes I have no words.

That’s okay. Today, I will share my words, shaped into poetry. Just letting you know you’re not alone. Hope and healing are here.

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Have you seen the dark night? Poem about loss

The hard stuff shapes us.

The tough grief.

The dark night.

God sees you there.

Even when it doesn’t feel like it.

He leads you.

Even when you don’t see it.

He’s there.

Holding you.

Wrapping his arms around you.

Hold on to his hand.

He will help you and guide you.

He will walk before you.

Behind you.

Beside you.

Wait for him.

Call on him.

Be still.


His heart for you is huge.

One day you will be on the other side of this.

I know it.

But right now?

He sees you.

He has his arms around you.

Stay in his embrace and love.

Knowing the hard stuff will shape you.

In him you are strong.

How lovely it is knowing he loves us beyond measure! Even in this. He will love you through it. Heal you through it. And when it’s all said and done. He’s still there.

Jesus, the great comforter

Oh, my dear ones, I see your tears.

My sweet daughter, I feel your pain.

Despite what your feelings are telling you, you are not alone.

You are here with me.

On my lap.

Do you not feel my presence?

Reach out and take my hand.

I will hold on to you.

You are beautiful.

No matter what you’ve been told.

Your grief is beautiful.



Place your sorrow in my hands.

I will carry it for you.

Close your eyes and know I’m here.

Right beside you.

Oh, my child, how I love you!

I will heal you in my time.

Right now, you are where you need to be.

I know it hurts, and you don’t like it.

I will walk you through it.

I will be with you the entire time.

As hard as it is, when you reach the other side,

You will see the beauty there.

And one day, you will be the one comforting others.

I will be with you even then.

But for now?

Take my hand.

And know.

You will be okay.

I hope you let his love and light guide you through the black night. This dark place where you can’t feel God’s presence. But friend, he is always there!

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God is ever-present

Have you met the dark night?

Who says ‘all hope is lost?

‘It’ll always feel hopeless’ and

‘God isn’t here.

If no one else has said so.

If you haven’t reminded yourself.

May I be the first to tell you it isn’t true?

It’s not hopeless, God is the hope you need.

And if you feel the lack of his presence, he is always there.

I’ve been where the darkness lives.

But I always knew God was with me.

But telling yourself something, and truly believing it is two different things.

Hear me when I say:’ there is hope’.

Hear me when I say:’ it will be okay.

This is not a flat cliche, but something real.

I want you to know, you’re not the only one who has walked this road.

When you lean on God, he will lead you. He will show you where to go and what the next step is.

He will give you freedom, joy, and light.

If you just hold his hand.

You will laugh again.

Oh, friend, you will laugh again! I know grief is hard, but I also know he will do it. If there’s anything I hope you take away from my journey, it’s this: When he’s done it for me, he certainly will do it for you.

Honor Your Loved One’s Memory

Dear Loved One Letter This is a simple small way of saying goodbye to your loved one, to honor and cherish their memory forever straight from your heart.

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Your Grief Journey Molds You

I’ve seen those trees before.

I know exactly how many.

The path behind them. I know where it leads.

Part of me wishes I didn’t know.

I know the landscape well.

I have wandered the paths.

They were a part of me.

But I don’t live here anymore.

I am so grateful for where I am right now.

The journey and the places made me into

The woman I am today.

My deep tracks have made me real and honest.

So, while I would never choose this journey, the hands I have held have led me to real freedom, deep felt joy, and peace that surpasses all understanding.

Friend, our sweet Lord has given me so much. He is the Lord of healing and new life. He will take the withered flowers and make them fresh again. He has the power to breathe into our lives and give us things beyond our imagination. My advice? Lean on him. Believe in his promises and walk in his truth.

In him,


About, Catherine Mogensen

Catherine Mogensen is the leader of an online Bible community in Norway. She is the author of Be Inspired by Mark and Loved by Him. On her two blogs, and she writes about God’s love and freedom.

Next Action Step:

Here are a couple of the best grief resources for you to help grieving families. Also, be sure to check out grief resources on experiencing loss and help guide for loss.

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