Lost All Hope? Gain 1 New Perspective On Divine Intervention
Have you lost all hope in your life or feel like you are at the end of your rope? If you feel like your only option is suicide, this post is for you. I found myself in this situation years ago. Trust me, you can find hope in God, especially when you hit rock bottom. Look up; God is your hope.

The following verse is a wonderful reminder of God’s grace, isn’t it? Knowing that God delivers us from ALL of our afflictions is mind-blowing.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:18-19
Do you believe that promise is for you today? Are you in a situation where it feels like you have lost all hope? I believe in God’s promise now, but there was a time when I felt it did not exist for me, and that’s the truth because I, too, lost all hope.
You Can Overcome Fear
You Find God When You Hit Rock Bottom
God has placed this within my heart, which is another hard topic for me. The last blog post I did was on Tyler, our first grandchild we had that we lost to SIDS at 4 1/2 months. That one was extremely difficult for me to write about.
This next topic isn’t gonna be much easier! I believe it’s safe to assume that God wants to bring closure and healing to my heart and soul.
I thought that I had dealt with these issues and shut the door on them, but God has placed them in my heart for a reason.
God knows us better than we know ourselves, doesn’t he?
I want you to understand that there was a time when I lost all hope and found myself at the end of my rope!
What does the end of my rope mean?
Noun. the end of one’s rope. (idiomatic) The limit of one’s patience is when one is so frustrated or annoyed that one can no longer cope.
I am at the end of my rope with these train delays. (idiomatic) The point at which one has run out of options or the ability to delay.
Where Does The Phrase At The End Of Your Rope Come From?
The term at the end of one’s rope is primarily an American phrase, though it may be traced back to the 1680s.
The idea is of someone who has been thrown a safety rope and has run out of length.
At the end of one’s tether also means to be at the end of one’s strength, endurance, or patience.
I lost all hope and felt so desolate, empty, completely and utterly alone. These were some of the loneliness and darkest times I have ever faced.
No one was willing to support or help me, and I truly believed that no one would care if anything happened to me.
I was separated from my family because I let fear keep me from them. It was easier and caused less trouble with my ex-husband because EVERY TIME I’d bring up wanting to go see them, accusations would start flying.
False Accusations Leads You to lose hope
I ONLY wanted to see my family and tell them how I was treated, and I wanted their help in being able to leave my marriage. Can you believe I was even accused of wanting my Stepdad? Really?
Let me tell you about one night in particular when I lost hope for my life. You must understand that I was at my lowest of lows.
Honestly, I finally hit rock bottom and was so beaten down. The night I’m referring to was one of the worst fights my ex-husband and I EVER had. My emotions were all over the place to the point I felt like I was drowning.
Beating Anxiety Worksheets
Are you feeling anxious? If so, the beating anxiety worksheets was designed with you in mind. This is the help you need to overcome anxiety.
You Find God When You Hit Rock Bottom
- slapped
- kicked
- punched
- spit on
- dragged
- food thrown at me
- hair yanked out
- cussed at
- called names
I could list more that took place, but this post isn’t about domestic violence, and, to be honest, I don’t want to put down another person, no matter how bad it has been. Simply put, he needs Jesus!
After all that had taken place on this particular night, I hit rock bottom, and I lost all hope for my life whatsoever. I couldn’t overcome the fear that shook me to my core.
Don’t Allow Fear To Win
That said, however, I DID NOT WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE! Fear took over Big Time!!
I thought if this was what my life would be like, I would want NO part of it anymore. I had put up with so much and had so much done to me that I couldn’t see any way out of it, and I was at the end of my rope and lost all hope.
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Pain and Suffering
In my mind, I was doing the best thing by wanting the pain and suffering to end! NOW!!!! I couldn’t take it anymore! Have you ever felt unworthy to be loved? Everyone around me acted as though nothing had just transpired!
I can remember thinking I’d be better off dead! So I did what I NEVER thought I’d EVER do. I found a bottle of pain pills or muscle relaxers, one I honestly can’t remember which, and downed the ENTIRE bottle.
As I felt my heartbeat slowing to nearly nothing, I could barely put one foot in front of the other. I didn’t give a hoot about dying and where I would spend eternity. Check out this song by the group Third Day. I Need A Miracle.
What Is Divine Intervention Meaning?
Divine intervention involves a deity’s involvement in human life, popularly extended to any miraculous-seeming turn of events.
Divine intervention is the involvement (intervention) of a deity (divine) in human affairs. Its form can be direct, such as the actual visual or auditory manifestation of a deity to humans.
In the Christian religion, miracles are considered forms of divine intervention, with believers feeling they’ve appeared amid a crisis or in response to prayers
At that point, I only wanted to crawl under the bed covers and not wake up. Even though I stopped living for God, I heard him say: “YOU ARE MINE! “If you go to bed right now, you will NOT wake up!”
A Divine Intervention
I was almost to my bedroom door when a Heavenly intervention shook me to my core. A force of its own propelled me out my front door and (please excuse the phrasing), where I vomited profusely for what seemed like the longest time.
All I can say about this event is there’s no answer or explanation other than the Holy Spirit showed up and took over. Many people don’t believe in modern-day miracles, but I do!
Satan Comes To Steal, Kill, And Destroy
Satan knows exactly when to pounce, doesn’t he? He knew I was at my lowest point.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10
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Prayer Warrior
I discovered much later that even though I wasn’t talking to my family then, my sweet mama said she felt compelled to pray for me. It was on this specific day and time when she felt in her spirit it was a life or death situation for me.
She was ready to drive over and check on me but decided against it. Instead, she prayed and asked for God’s protection over me. If that wasn’t the Holy Spirit working on my behalf, I don’t know what else to call it.
Satan’s Job Is To Drive A Wedge Between You And God
At this time in my life, I had severed my relationship with God, turned my back on him, and walked away. I let situations and circumstances drive a wedge between us that I should’ve NEVER let happen.
What Can You Do If You’ve Lost All Hope?
If you’re at the end of your rope, muster up every bit of strength and energy that you can find and do what I should’ve done from the start…TURN TO GOD’S STRENGTH! Not your own!
Look Up, You Will Find God
Use whatever you have left in the tank to get you to tie that knot and hold on. Remember that you’ll eventually make it out. You’ll make it to the other side of that rope.
God saved ME from me that night; I know that with all my heart! Do you want to hear that night’s hardest and saddest part?
I had two beautiful kids to live for, and they needed me to continue being there for them, but I couldn’t see past my pain. I didn’t care what I was doing or who I was leaving behind on this particular night.
You don’t understand how much it hurts to admit that, but I’m putting my vulnerability out there for you to see.
That said, anxiousness over it can NOT win! I only Pray that it may help someone else who may be going through a similar issue.
Don’t Lose Hope… I’d tell you:
I can not stress enough what an abusive situation does to your self-esteem and spirit. No one should feel like they have lost all hope for their life.
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Ignore Lies
You start believing ALL the lies and are made to believe it’s all your fault. The blame will be put squarely on your shoulders, and you’ll be told that it’s your fault that they are and act the way they do.
What are 12 Feelings That Can Hold You Captive?
- Shame
- Guilt
- Fear
- Terror
- Anger
- Grief
- Loss of control
- Not feeling safe
- Physical symptoms
- Powerlessness
- Remorse
- Self-blame
If you find MY STORY your story, please know you can get past it!
Kick Satan To The Curb!
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Don’t let Satan’s lies convince you to do what I did! It’s ONLY by God’s grace that I am still breathing today, and I will keep sharing my Testimony with others.
I will tell people everywhere that Jesus Christ is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. He will be there for you when no one else is!
God Is There For You
No matter how bad things may look on the outside or how alone you may feel on the inside, God is there for you. He was there for me, too. I couldn’t see it, or else I would have chosen to ignore it.
Either way, don’t give up hope.
You have hope in a Savior you can turn to with ANY issue and EVERY problem that may come your way.
Suicide Is Not A Solution
You aren’t meant to carry the loads you try hard to hang on to. Jesus says to lay your burdens at his feet and let him carry them for you.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
If You Find Yourself At The End Of Your Hope…Turn To God He Will See You Through It.
Help for abused women
Be sure to check out our resources to help abused women. If you find them helpful, please share the resource with others and save the pin below. The key to remember is awareness to help other women and easy access as well.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Suicide Prevention Hotline
Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) at any time, day or night, 24/7, to talk to someone who understands. Or go online at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org for more information and help.
Your Turn
Has there been a time in your life when you lost all hope, like me? Only by the grace of God and His Heavenly intervention can save you from these thoughts. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know. If you or a loved one is struggling with suicidal thoughts and tendencies, please get help and don’t try to face this on your own. There are helpful ways to find healing from abuse; many people will come on this journey with you. If you find yourself in this position, please turn to God, and He will sustain you.
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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