Spiritual Growth


Spiritual growth as a Christian is becoming more like Jesus Christ and learning to humble yourself and trust the path God has for you. As you go through life, there are many lessons you can share as a believer in Jesus Christ with others. Browse content that proves with God’s help there’s nothing you can’t overcome. Our faith-based gospel-centered articles will guide you to God’s word and help you find who and where your source of strength comes from. Our mission is to help you grow a deeper relationship with God by encouraging faith over sight amidst the trials and tribulations of life so you can draw nearer to His care.

What Legacy Is Important? 1 Revealing Truth You Need To Know

What Legacy Is Important? 1 Revealing Truth You Need To Know

What legacy will you leave behind when your time in this world has come to an end? Are you living a life pleasing to God for those who know you? Today, I want to spotlight a man of God that leaves a legacy, unlike any human I’ve ever known. I’m referring to Billy Graham. He…

How To Let Them See Jesus In You With Hope

Let Them See Jesus In You In 4 Simple Ways With Hope

Christians say “Let them see Jesus in me,” but are you reflecting Christ to those you come in contact with? Here are 4 simple ways to let them see Jesus in you. As Christians, our goal should follow the example of the way Jesus lived his life. Is your lamp burning brightly modeling the character…

an image of people praising God surrounding a cross featured image for Why We Need a Spiritual Revival Today More than Ever

Why You Desperately Need Hope for A Spiritual Revival Now

Are you longing for a spiritual revival today, sweet friend? Have you ever heard anyone say that as a church we need a revival to turn our hearts back to God? Let’s look at where the church is going today and more importantly, why you need a spiritual revival now more than ever. If my…

an image of a woman in a filed jumping in the air text reading 7 Tips to Living a Transparent Life for Christ

7 Helpful Christian Tips For Living A Transparent Life

As a disciple of Jesus are you truly living a transparent life for Christ? Would you be willing to openly share your struggles, trials, and temptations? You may realize that living a transparent life is easier than you think!! You’re probably thinking are you crazy!!! Why would I want to do that? Trust me, I…

an image of a hand hold blocks that spell trust featured image for Are You Trusting God in Times of Uncertainty?

Why Trusting God’s Ways In Times Of Uncertainty Is Important

Trusting God in times of uncertainty can be easier said than done at times, right? With biopsy scares and other life events, how do we trust God no matter what? Please allow me to say thank you, for all your words of encouragement, since I did the blog post on why do I suffer. It…

an image of a woman looking at her watch and losing patience

4 Genuine Ways You Find True Patience In God’s Timing

Does God’s timing seem unbearable at times? Patience in waiting on God’s timing calls you to trust God wholeheartedly, right? So how can you use God and patience together to help you in long seasons of hardships? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Romans 8:25…

an image of a small group doing a bible study together featured image

Life Group 6 Important Benefits You May Not Know About

Do you have Christian accountability in your walk with Jesus? Bible studies for women are well-known but have you heard about a life group or small group? As born-again followers of Jesus Christ, it’s vital to surround yourself with other believers. Why? You need to be around people who all have the same goal to…