Spiritual Growth


Spiritual growth as a Christian is becoming more like Jesus Christ and learning to humble yourself and trust the path God has for you. As you go through life, there are many lessons you can share as a believer in Jesus Christ with others. Browse content that proves with God’s help there’s nothing you can’t overcome. Our faith-based gospel-centered articles will guide you to God’s word and help you find who and where your source of strength comes from. Our mission is to help you grow a deeper relationship with God by encouraging faith over sight amidst the trials and tribulations of life so you can draw nearer to His care.

an image of opened journal with the writing saying gratitude journal featured image for An attitude of Gratitude Best of One Exceptional Life

The Attitude of Gratitude: Best of One Exceptional Life

In today’s world, you need to have an attitude of gratitude more than ever! Why? Well, it doesn’t take much to notice all the negativity that surrounds you on a day-to-day basis, right? Sweet friend, I have the perfect solution just for you. My dear friend Wendy Wallace of One Exceptional Life helps women rediscover God’s…

3 women talking while looking at a cell phone featured image for 19 Best FREE Christian Apps for Women

19 Best FREE Christian Apps for Women to Deepen Faith

Are you looking for FREE Christian apps? Would you like to know the best women’s daily devotional apps, Bible Study apps, Prayer apps, and Scripture Memorization apps? Look no further! Here’s a compiled list of the BEST Christian apps you can download today to help you grow closer to the Lord! Do you remember the…

a woman at her desk doing a podcast featured image for 20 Best Christian Podcasts for Women

20 Best Christian Podcasts for Women to Deepen Your Faith

Are you consistently looking for ways to draw closer to God? Do you know listening to the best Christian podcasts can help you achieve this goal? Reading the Bible is the #1 priority, prayer, and worship follow. Lately, I have found another helpful resource which is listening to Christian podcasts. What about you, sweet friend? Would…

30 Best Christian Movies and Series You Need To Watch Now

30 Best Christian Movies and Series You Need To Watch Now

Since 2020 you have been forced to think outside the box when it comes to everyday activities and things you do for entertainment, right? That said, in all honesty, Christian movies, and faith-based series on mainstream TV are few and far between aren’t they? What happened to the good ole wholesome shows? Do you get…

an image of a woman wearing a white dress reading her bible featured image for Religion vs Relationship with Jesus Christ: Do You Know the Difference?

Religion Vs Relationship The Difference In 20 Best Verses

Do you know the differences between Religion vs Relationship with Jesus Christ? Understanding the difference between the two is a crucial part of being a born-again believer. Do you want to learn how to have a relationship with God vs keeping a bunch of man-made rules and regulations that dictate how you can earn salvation?…

an image of a black and white woman friends smiling featured image for Unity in Diversity 7 Ways to Diffuse Your Anger

Unity in Diversity 7 Clear Ways to Diffuse Anger Biblically

Are you struggling to find unity in diversity with all that’s taking place in America? If you are like me you are left with more confusion than solutions. So many questions can bombard your mind such as…What can you do? How can you help? How can you make a difference? How is it possible to…

an image of a man approaching a homeless person person with something to eat. featured image for How to Show Acts of Kindness in the Midst of Chaos

Hope In The Midst Of Chaos: 3 Simple Acts Of Kindness

While in the midst of chaos concerning the pandemic, it can be rather challenging to find anything good surrounding it right? Keeping a positive outlook can be slim to none as well. That being said, what can you do to change these circumstances while in the midst of chaos? Are you struggling to believe God’s…