Bible Study

If you’re looking to study the Bible start here! As Christians, the Gospel is the air we breathe. It is the epicenter of our understanding of Scripture on what does the bible say about a specific topic. Bible Study is crucial for your daily walk and sanctification with God. As Christians, we need to grow from spiritual milk to solid food in the faith. Here you’ll find encouragement to thrive in Christ as well as the importance of having biblically-based friendships that will keep us on our God-given paths. Lastly, you’ll find resources for Christians and helpful topics of the Bible broken down into what does the Bible say about…and more. Bible Study notes. Bible Study tips. Bible Study Methods. Bible Study journaling. Bible Study for Women. What Does the Bible Say About?

Is being gay a choice? Can gay people go to heaven? Can someone be both gay and Christian? Is homosexuality a sin according to all Christians? How should Christians respond to people who identify as gay? All these questions answered and 20 bible verses about homosexuality included.

20 Best Bible Verses About Homosexuality Found In The Bible

There’s no sugar-coating Homosexuality. I’ve never understood how anyone could choose a homosexual lifestyle. I have family members and also worked with people who have lived this lifestyle. Do I agree with a gay lifestyle? Absolutely not! However, it’s NOT my place to judge one’s homosexual choice. Judgment belongs to God alone, not me. What…

What Is Baptism? 25 Challenging and Best Verses on Baptism

What is Baptism 25 Challenging and Best Verses About Baptism

Do YOU have the answers to the following questions on baptism? What is baptism? What is baptism according to the Bible? What does baptism mean? When should someone be baptized? To answer these questions we must go to the ONLY reliable source, right? The Bible…That said, what does the Bible say about baptism? Have you…

What Does the Bible Say About the Characteristics of God?

What Does The Bible Say About The Extraordinary Characteristics of God?

When considering the characteristics of God what comes to your mind? Do you know where to learn about God’s character? The characteristics of God are found in both God’s word, and in His creation, he formed. Humanly speaking, trying to describe God’s character and God’s love…you would NEVER be able to do it justice this…

an image of a pregnant women holding an ultrasound photo of her baby featured image for What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion? Sanctity of Human Life

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know where to turn to? Are you considering having an abortion because you may be scared to face it alone? Scripture is clear on the preservation of life. Abortion is a sensitive, touchy, political, and controversial topic, so I’m writing this post out of love and with…