an image of a worn bible with a pink flower on top A Simple Look At 1 Corinthians 13 The Love Chapter

What does the bible say about 1 Corinthians 13? 1 Corinthians 13 is known for being the “Love Chapter” and is quoted often in many weddings, mine included. But are we truly honoring what the Scriptures speak of? Here is a devotional about being truly convicted on one of the most well-known chapters in the bible.

Are we grasping the meaning Are we truly feeling conviction to love as God does? Let’s dive into this 1 Corinthians 13 Devotional as well as a 1 Corinthians 13 summary at the end.


a person sitting on the grass with arms on legs in a sunset background Truly Convicted: A 1 Corinthians 13 Devotional

A 1 Corinthians 13 Devotional

1 Corinthians 13 has always been one of my favorite chapters in the Bible but this past Sunday my pastor did a sermon on this and I found myself under such heavy conviction. For the first time I actually “heard it” with such clarity that it troubled my spirit.

I sure hope I am not alone in this because if you search your heart I guarantee you’ll find yourself guilty and under conviction as well. We must put pride aside and let our Hearts be stirred up with the truth we are hiding behind.

We must confess, repent, and turn away from our sins seek God’s Forgiveness, and be changed for the Glory of God.

SOAP Bible Study Sheets

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Love is Patient: 1 Corinthians 13:4

I’d love to tell you that I’m both of these all the time but that would not be true. I try my best to be kind to everyone regardless if we have different opinions and beliefs.

I try my best to be kind to everyone because I can’t find it within me to be flat-out rude to anyone. However, my pastor’s sermon left me with a heavy conviction in my heart!

Love is Kind: 1 Corinthians 13:4

But take for instance you have someone who is belittling you downgrading you or cursing you. Are you kind in return to them? Or do you find yourself wanting to lash out in return as they have done to you? Are you under conviction from the Holy Spirit afterward?

Jesus Never Lashed Out: 1 Corinthians 13:4

Even while Jesus Christ hung on the Cross he still showed kindness and endless grace. Also here lately I’ve been finding my patience is running thin and then I look at how much patience Jesus has shown me over and over again.

I have tried to put the blame off on all the meds my specialists have me on but when I search to the heart of the matter it’s all me led by conviction from the Holy Spirit!

Love Does Not Envy: 1 Corinthians 13:4

I suppose I don’t have to look too hard here either. It seems that others have things come to them so naturally when I have to work extra hard to be in the same place. I’m not necessarily meaning materialistic things.

Conviction in the Workplace

My Graves’ Disease, affects my memory severely. I work with computer programs, input meds, etc. I can take a patient to a room the doctor can ask me who they are in the hall and I draw a complete blank. Talking about feeling clueless!

Love Does Not Boast: 1 Corinthians 13:4

I’m a phlebotomist at an oncology office and their veins are extremely difficult to get due to chemotherapy. I have many that request me. Talk about inflating your ego! But then when you get that one vein you miss you’ll get that chip off your shoulder real quick.

Love Is Not Arrogant or Rude: 1 Corinthians 13:5

You’re boasting and bragging nosedives. No, I don’t say hey girls look at me look at what I did and you couldn’t. But in my heart and mind I’m thinking of it which is just as bad.

Love Does Not Insist In Its Way: 1 Corinthians 13:5

Ouch!!!! I am very OCD about things so Yes this one cuts deep. I find many things that aren’t fair. If you condone things for one individual and not for everyone else that’s very wrong and I find myself being resentful about that. What’s fair for one should be fair for all and vice versa.

Love Does Not Rejoice at Wrongdoing: 1 Corinthians 13:6

I wish I could say No, but I am so guilty. If I know I’m right about something and another tells me I’m not then later they indeed find out I was correct all along I find myself smiling and saying “See I tried telling you so and I was right but you wouldn’t listen to me!” Shame on me!!!!

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things: 1 Corinthians 13:7

Jesus Christ displayed love time and time again. Showing Patience and Kindness, he wasn’t Envious or Boastful, he wasn’t Arrogant or Rude, and he sure didn’t insist in his way, but over and over he stated he was doing the will of the Father, he wasn’t Irritable or Resentful. Ever! He didn’t Rejoice at Wrongdoing but was all about Truth.

We are all given spiritual gifts by our Heavenly Father and we can have all the gifts God wants to bestow on us but if we lack Love, which is the whole concept of this Chapter in Corinthians…

Without Love WE HAVE NOTHING!!! As my Pastor graciously stated you can have 5 spiritual gifts -1 Love and have 0 advancements for God’s Glory and we should be making a difference in someone’s life.

If you had to write a book today what would your 1 Corinthians 13 Devotional be about? Would you be going through the motions or would you be truly convicted and follow Jesus’s example of love?

This was an eye-opening sermon for me and it has changed my motivation, and how I see and want to do things.

SOAP Bible Study Sheets

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As I’ve stated before, I want complete honesty on my page, even if that means I have to swallow a big Ole piece of humble pie to get it across. If my Honesty and Transparency make one individual search their heart and want to change, then it will be so worth it in the end.

The Love Chapter In The Bible 1 Corinthians 13 Devotional


  • Patient and Kind
  • Love does not Envy or Boast


  1. Arrogant or Rude
  2. Insist in its way
  3. Irritable or Resentful
  4. Rejoice at Wrongdoing but Rejoices with the Truth
  5. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things
  6. Love never ends

Your Turn

You need to be cautious in your thinking, and with words that proceed out of your mouth and use encouraging words of hope. Read More on The Importance of Sharing the Gospel to model Christ’s example of LOVE to others!

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