resounding his love
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About Angela and Resounding His Love

About Angela And Resounding His Love

Resounding His Love exists to help others find hope amidst the trials and tribulations of life by equipping you with God’s word and faith filled content. Angela is a woman who writes honestly about real life situations, to inspire, support, and encourage you in all that she does. Find practical tips for Bible study, spiritual growth, a powerful prayer life, and FREE and paid printables to achieve spiritual growth. Read more about us.

What Does The Bible Say About

Have you ever wondered what does the Bible say about a specific topic? This collection of articles dives deep into Biblical truths into what the Bible says about a topic you’re searching for, including some “tough” issues that are personal and hard to discuss but are much needed…especially in the culture we’re living in now. It’s time to stand up unashamed for Jesus and be a light in the darkness.

What Does The Bible Say About Divorce?

Have you considered the following questions? What does the Bible say about divorce? What are the biblical grounds for divorce? Divorce is a touchy topic for many. You’ll be shocked to learn where well-known Pastors stand on the topic of divorce.

What Does The Bible Say About Abortion?

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know where to turn to? Are you considering having an abortion because you may be scared to face it alone? Scripture is clear on the preservation of life and this article is written in love.

Bible Verses About

Articles on Bible verses by topic on specific scriptures and what the Bible says about that particular topic. Fall in love with God’s word as you grow in the knowledge of Bible verses about the topic of scriptures you’re looking for. Read Bible Verses About, and What Does The Bible Say About.

20 Bible Verses For Homosexuality

There’s no sugar-coating Homosexuality. I’ve never understood how anyone could choose a homosexual lifestyle. Do I agree with a gay lifestyle? No! However, it’s NOT my place to judge one’s homosexual choice. Judgment belongs to God alone. Learn what the Bible says on homosexuality.

35 Best Bible Verses For Depression

Are you currently dealing with depression? You are not alone! I’ve dealt with depression firsthand and know the weight of trying to carry it and it’s a heavy burden to bear. Depression is real but I serve a powerful almighty God who arms His children with the word of God. Learn ways to help you overcome depression.

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Reading Plan

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FREE Resource Library

FREE faith-based content to grow spiritually and connect with God deeper. Resources included…Bible study, organization tools, devotionals, checklists, e-books, planners, coloring pages, and more.

Prayer Bible Reading Plan

Explore God’s word and learn what the Bible says about the power of prayer. Use this Bible reading plan to help you understand the importance of prayer, journaling sheets, prayer prompts, and much more.

Trello Bible Study Organization Mini-Course

Are you looking for ways to stay organized for spiritual growth? If so, you need to check out our FREE Bible study tools. Boards and video instructions on devotionals, journaling, prayer, podcasts, and videos.


Articles about prayer life are simply a one-on-one conversation with your Heavenly Father and spiritual communion with God. Prayer life consists of supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession. It’s crucial to have a strong prayer life amidst life’s trials and tribulations. Read More Prayer Articles.

6 Powerful Stories on How Prayer Changes Things

Do you know how much prayer changes things? Are you one who underestimates the power of prayer? Learn how important prayer changes things through 6 powerful stories in the Bible that you can learn from.

35 Prayer Prompts To Help Reboot Your Prayer Life

How is your prayer life? Do you fumble for words when you pray? I know I do at times! So, if you are like me and possibly need prayer prompts to ignite your prayer life. Here are 35 prayer prompts to get you started.


Articles about fear to help you overcome it. What has fear kept you from? How long have you allowed it to control you? Fear is like a poison that will rob you of your joy if you allow it to do so. Kick fear to the curb and walk by faith not by sight so you can live in complete freedom to let go and let God help you to fight fear. Read More Fear Articles.

Overcoming The Spirit Of Fear Truth You Need

When you’re a victim of abuse it’s crucial to understand overcoming the spirit of fear. Abusive relationships can leave behind destructive feelings no matter how long you’ve been out of the situation.

10 Crucial Tips To Overcome Fear Biblically

Do you struggle with fear controlling you? Does fear consume your thoughts and joy? Have you prayed and asked God to combat your fear with the truths of scriptures? Trust God wholeheartedly.

God At Work


How is God at work in your life today? In your failures and trials you can trust God is present even through the tragedies of life. The key is learning to lean into Him when you may have failed. You know the old saying…If I knew then what I know now I sure would’ve done things differently, right? But that isn’t God at Work. Continue Reading

Family Dedications

Losing a loved one can leave us with numerous questions, right? We are often tempted to ask “Why God Why.” Why did you allow this to happen? Why couldn’t our loved one be healed? The grief you feel when you lose a loved one and the journey that follows is never easy. Below are three real life situations of family grief, sorrow, and hope. Jesus was a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. Isaiah. 53:3


In Loving Memory Of My Grandson, Tyler

Have you ever been mad at God? Have you gone through the loss of a child? How do you get over the loss of an infant? What if you’ve been given the gift of a grandchild only to have Him snatched away as far too soon.

two women sitting on a couch

In Loving Memory Of My Mama, Carol

When Mother’s Day is hard, how can you get through it? Who can you turn to for strength? First, let me assure you that you’re not alone. Jesus will carry you through it. Sadly, my Mama passed away on August 19, 2021..

a group of people sitting on a porch

In Loving Memory Of My Son, Mark

May 12, 2023, is going to be double hard for me. Sunday is Mother’s Day which makes me think of the recent loss of my Mama. I recently lost of my son, Mark, also.. His birthday is May 12, 1986, and passed on February 8, 2023.